I Had Period Sex Wearing Two Different Menstrual Cups

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As someone who is no stranger to casual hookups and one-night stands, I've always been a bit apprehensive about having period sex. It's not that I'm ashamed of my period or anything like that, but I just never really knew how to navigate the logistics of it. However, after doing some research and talking to some friends, I decided to give it a try – and what better way to do it than to wear two different menstrual cups during period sex?

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The Experiment

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I had been using a menstrual cup for a while now, so I was pretty comfortable with the concept. However, wearing two at the same time was definitely a new experience for me. I decided to try it out with two different cups – one a bit smaller and the other larger in size – to see how they would hold up during sex.

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The smaller cup was a bit more comfortable to insert, but I was worried about its capacity since I have a heavy flow. The larger cup, on the other hand, felt a bit more cumbersome, but I was confident that it would be able to handle the flow.

The First Encounter

I met up with a guy I had been chatting with on a casual hookup site, and we hit it off right away. As things started to heat up, I was a bit nervous about how the cups would hold up. However, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I didn't even notice them once we got into the thick of it.

The smaller cup stayed in place without any issues, and I was able to move around freely without any discomfort. The larger cup also held up well, and I didn't experience any leaks or spills. Overall, I was pretty impressed with how well the cups performed during sex.

The Second Round

A few days later, I decided to try out the two-cup method again, this time with a different partner. This time, I was a bit more confident and relaxed, knowing that the cups had worked well the first time around. Sure enough, the experience was just as smooth and hassle-free as before.

I was able to enjoy myself without worrying about any mess, and my partner didn't seem to mind one bit. In fact, he was quite impressed with how I had managed to make period sex seem so effortless.

The Verdict

Overall, I was pleasantly surprised by how well the two menstrual cups held up during period sex. Not only did they stay in place without any issues, but they also provided me with a sense of security and confidence that I hadn't experienced before.

I would definitely recommend giving the two-cup method a try to anyone who is hesitant about having period sex. It's a game-changer and can really make a difference in how you approach sex during your period.

Final Thoughts

While period sex may not be everyone's cup of tea, it's important to remember that it's a natural part of life and nothing to be ashamed of. With the right tools and a bit of experimentation, it's definitely possible to have a pleasurable and stress-free experience, even during that time of the month.

So, don't let your period hold you back from enjoying yourself and exploring your sexuality. With a little creativity and an open mind, you can make period sex just as enjoyable as any other time of the month.